FOGRA characterization data
The first 8 of these data sets (FOGRA1 to FOGRA8) are for printing processes that conform to the old offset lithography standard, ISO 12647-2:1996. This standard defines the process parameters including colorimetric characteristics for 5 paper types. The data sets are for prints with 60/cm screen frequency, both positive and negative acting plates, paper types 1 to 4. These data have been superseded by a revised edition of the standard, published as a Draft International Standard in 2004. The ninth data set (FOGRA9) is for printing processes that conform to ISO 12647-5 (screen printing) for gamut class 2, conventional UV or water-based air-dried inks, screen 30/cm.
The data sets FOGRA11 to FOGRA30 are for printing conditions in conformance with ISO 12647-2:2004. Data are provided for positive acting plates, paper types 1 or 2, 3, 4 and 5 and for the screen frequencies 60/cm (FOGRA11 to FOGRA14 and FOGRA27 to 30) and 70/cm (FOGRA19 to FOGRA22). The data sets FOGRA 15 to FOGRA18 and FOGRA23 to FOGRA30 have been measured over a white, opaque backing with L*>92, C*<3. The data sets FOGRA27 to FOGRA30 are preferred over FOGRA11 to FOGRA26, which only remain here for continuity reasons. The data sets FOGRA31 to FOGRA38 pertain to 4-colour business forms printing according to ISO 12647-2:2004 with positive and negative acting plates, 54/cm and 60/cm screen, on paper types 2 and 4, measured over a white backing as above.
Data sets FOGRA39 and FOGRA40 were published in 2007. FOGRA39 is for printing conditions in conformance with ISO 12647-2:2004 / Amd 1, and is to be used in preference to FOGRA27. FOGRA40 is for printing conditions in conformance with ISO 12647-2:2004 on supercalendered (SC) paper.
Note that some data sets from FOGRA 11 onwards have two data sets for each printing definition. Data sets 11-26 labelled S are for the ISO12642:1996 target (also known as "IT8.7/3"). Those labelled L in data sets 11-26 are for an extension of this target that contains all of these patches, plus 557 additional patches, that conforms to the German standard DIN 16614, contains 1485 patches, and is also known as "ECI 2002 target". FOGRA 27 to FOGRA 38 only provide data for this larger target. FOGRA 39-44 data sets are available for this 1485-patch target, and also for an extended version with a total of 1617 patches. In the FOGRA 39-44 data sets these larger targets are labelled L.
There are two additional FOGRA printing conditions for web offset printing: FOGRA41 (web offset printing on MFC paper) and FOGRA42 (web offset printing on standard newsprint printed heatset). Two further characterization data sets define new printing conditions for sheetfed offset printing with non-periodic screening (NP, also known as FM): FOGRA43 (offset printing on gloss or matt coated white paper) and FOGRA44 (offset printing on uncoated white paper).
FOGRA48 is for printing on improved newsprint.
FOGRA49 and FOGRA50 are for gloss and matt coated art, with matt and gloss OPP lamination respectively.
FOGRA51 and FOGRA52 are for premium coated and uncoated woodfree substrates respectively. These data sets are based on ISO 13655:2009 M1 measurement conditions, and include information about the amount of optical brighteners in the substrate. The FOGRA51 data set is available in both colorimetric and spectral versions.
More information about the printing conditions can be obtained by clicking on the reference names below. For all the FOGRA characterization data sets, the characterisation data may be obtained as a text file by clicking on the appropriate file name within the description. In many cases links are also given to example profiles. These are for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement by ICC.
For further information, contact:
Forschungsgesellschaft Druck e.V.
Graphic Technology Research Association
Abt./Dept. Vorstufe/Prepress
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D-81673 München
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