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ICC Developer Conference 2018

February 27 2018
Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies
Einsteinring 1a
85609 Aschheim b. München

The International Color Consortium Developers Conference "ICC DevCon 2018" was held in Munich on February 27 2018. There was a panel of expert speakers on advanced colour management topics, and an iccMAX hands-on workshop.

See a video summary of the previous Developer Conference, DevCon2016.

The detailed program with abstracts and speaker biographies is now available.

To be added to the DevCon mailing list, email the ICC Technical Secretary


8:30amConference Intro Note
ICC Chair - William Li

Introduction to iccMAX from the Business Perspective

William Li

Implementing a Simple Color Model using the Calculator Element of iccMAX

Hauke Thomsen, Sebastian Eggert

N-color Characterization with iccMAX

Max Derhak
Onyx Graphics

How can iccMAX benefit digital photography?

Phil Green  
NTNU in Gjøvik

Handling spectral images with standard and custom illuminants in iccMAX

Franz Herbert
Chameleo Color Consulting

Implementing Observer Metamerism Correction on Wide Color Gamut Display using iccMAX Framework

Chris Bai  

Correction of Display Viewing Angle with ICCMax

James Vogh  

Color and translucency definition and workflow for graphical 3D printing

Philipp Urban
Frauenhofer IGD

Implementing colour appearance transforms in iccMAX

Michele Conni
Barbieri Electronic

An image based multi-angle measurement setup

Aditya Sole
NTNU in Gjøvik


  Lunch Break with table presentations

WORKSHOP Hands-on with RefIccMAX

Led by Max Derhak (Onyx Graphics) with Kai-Uwe Behrmann

In this session a hands-on workshop will be conducted utilizing the reference implementation library and tools for iccMAX. RefIccMAX represents a jumping board by which one can begin to create and use iccMAX profiles.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Overview of projects, code, libraries, and tools available in RefIccMAX
  • RefIccMAX compilation under Windows, Linux and OS X
  • Using iccXML to create workflow specific iccMAX profiles
  • Incorporating data from other sources like MATLAB/Octave
  • Applying iccMAX profiles
  • Integration of the RefIccMAX CMM into personal projects
Attendees are encouraged to bring laptop computers pre-installed with the RefIccMAX repository including test profiles and executables for Windows/Mac to better follow along as the workshop progresses. People who pre-register will be directed where to get the latest files.

Some familiarity with ICC color management is recommended. Though some software programming topics will be covered, extensive knowledge of programming is not required to benefit from this workshop.

RefIccMAX project setup and build in Linux and XCode

This part of the workshop will show the setup, compilation and integration of RefIccMAX as a sub-project for a custom code project. Covered will be the Linux and Mac OS platforms.

5:00pmEvening reception and booth presentation (ends at 7pm)

DevCon Sponsors