ICC.1 v2 Specification
The previous major version of the ICC specification is known as ICC.1 v2. Although the v2 specification is superceded by v4, ICC continues to recognise the validity of v2 profiles. The specification for v2 ICC profiles is:Specification ICC.1:2001-04, File Format for Color Profiles
Developers should implement according to the latest specification for the major version (v2 or v4) they intend to support. Reasons for using v4 are described here, and current ICC recommendations for making v2 profiles can be found here.
Past ICC Profile Specifications
These past versions of the ICC Specification are listed here for the convenience of the standards community, since other ANSI and ISO standards may reference these versions. These past versions should not be used in future references or for new implementations.
ICC.1 V2 versions superceded by Specification ICC.1:2001-04:
Copies of these past specifications are available on request