ICC DevCon 2008
Portland, Oregon
ICC invites DevCon Sponsors
DevCon sponsors will have direct access to top professionals during the Networking Reception. ICC DevCon attendees in the past have included industry leaders from all types of industrial sectors who have proven themselves to be early adopters, open to technologically advanced solutions. Click here for a list of past attendees. Enhance your leadership in these industries by becoming a sponsor of ICC DevCon in 2008.
DevCon '08 Sponsorship brochure DevCon '08 Sponsorship form
For enquiries about DevCon sponsorship, contact Kip Smythe
The Benson Hotel, 309 SW Broadway Ave, Portland, OR 97205
Held in conjunction with IS&T/SID 16th Color Imaging Conference and ISCC
Morning session
9.00 am Welcome and Morning Topic Introduction
William Li, Eastman Kodak
9.25 am Discussion of Intelligent CMM — X-Rite CMM
James Vogh, X-Rite
10.35 am Color management in Mac OS — from RAW image data to display and print
Luke Wallis, Apple
11.30 am Colour management bricks on Linux
Kai-Uwe Behrmann, Oyranos, open source CMS
ICC Conference Lunch
Afternoon session
1.30 pm Colour measurement for profile creation
Phil Green, London College of Communication
2.15 pm Flexible colour management for graphic arts
Craig Revie, FFEI UK
3.00 pm ICC profile internal mechanics
Marti Maria, HP
4.00 pm Floating point color processing with ICC profiles
Max Derhak, Onyx Graphics
4.45 pm How to use the new sRGB preference v4 profile in a workflow
Ingeborg Tastl, HP
5.30 Kodak demonstration — soft proofing color
William Li, Eastman Kodak
6.00 pm Networking Reception and Sponsor Demonstrations
ICC DevCon '08 Register now for ICC DevCon '08. ICC DevCon main page |
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